You are here: AQA GCSE Geography PLCs > Coasts > C10 Example Answer

For a section of coastline in the UK you have studied, identify the coastal landforms of erosion and deposition.

Example – Holderness Coast

The Holderness Coast extends 61km from Flamborough in the north to Spurn Point in the south. The geology in Flamborough is made up of chalk, a rock more resistant to erosion. This has led to the formation of a range of erosion landforms, including caves, cliffs, arches, stacks and stumps. Within bays such as Selwicks, there is a wave-cut platform where sediment has been deposited to form a sand and shingle beach. To the south of Flamborough, the geology changes to boulder clay. Sediment transported along the coast from the north to the south has formed sandy beaches along the Holderness Coast. To the south of the Holderness Coast is a coastal spit called Spurn Point, which has formed where the coast changes direction where it meets the Humber Estuary.

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