Landforms of River Erosion Flashcards

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Where are waterfalls and gorges typically found along the long profile of a river?
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Waterfalls and gorges are typically found in the upper course of the river.

Find out more about the landforms of erosion in the upper course of a river.

Where are waterfalls and gorges typically found along the long profile of a river?
What are rapids?
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Rapids are fast flowing, turbulent sections of the river where the bed has a relatively steep gradient. They are found in the upper course of the river.

Find out more about the landforms of erosion in the upper course of a river.

What are rapids?
Draw a diagram to illustrate the formation of a waterfall.
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Formation of a waterfall

Formation of a waterfall

Find out more about the landforms of erosion in the upper course of a river.

Draw a diagram to illustrate the formation of a waterfall.
How does a waterfall create a gorge?
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As a waterfall retreats, it leaves behind the steep-sided valley which is called a gorge. Every time the overhanging rock breaks off the gorge retreats and grows longer.

Find out more about the landforms of erosion in the upper course of a river.

How does a waterfall create a gorge?
What are interlocking spurs?
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Interlocking spurs are fingers of land that jut out into the river valley that streams and rivers are forced to flow around in the upper course.

Find out more about the landforms of erosion in the upper course of a river.

What are interlocking spurs?

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