River Deposition Flashcards

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Why might deposition occur at site C on the diagram below?

Deposition locations on a river

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Where the river flows into a sea or ocean it’s velocity is reduced leading to deposition. 

Find out more about river deposition.

Why might deposition occur at site C on the diagram below?
Why do rivers deposit sediment?
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Deposition occurs whenever a river loses energy and velocity falls.

Find out more about river deposition.

Why do rivers deposit sediment?
Why might deposition occur at site A on the diagram below?

Deposition locations on a river

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The velocity of a river reduces on the outside bend of a meander which leads to sediment being deposited. 

Find out more about river deposition.

Why might deposition occur at site A on the diagram below?
Why might deposition occur at site B on the diagram below?

Deposition locations on a river

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Friction with the river bed and banks can reduce the velocity of the river leading to deposition. 

Find out more about river deposition.

Why might deposition occur at site B on the diagram below?
Give three examples of where a river may deposit sediment.
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Deposition can occur:

  • where a river enters a shallow area (this could be when it floods and comes into contact with the flood plain)
  • at the base of a waterfall
  • on the inside bend of a meander
  • towards its mouth where it meets another body of water.

Find out more about river deposition.

Give three examples of where a river may deposit sediment.

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