Which of the following is not an example of development used in geography?
What does economic development measure?
What does political development measure?
What does social development measure?
True or false?
Human development is about improving people's quality of life and includes economic, social and political aspects of development.
Identify the measurement of economic development that involves calculating the total value of goods and services a country produces in a year.
Identify the measurement of economic development that involves dividing the total value of goods and services produced by a country, divided by its population.
Identify the measurement of development that measures economic inequality within a country on a scale of 0 (equality) to 100 (total inequality).
Identify the measurement of development that considers women's education, access to jobs, political rights and health during pregnancy.
Identify the measurement of development that is calculated using life expectancy, eduction level, and income per head. Each country has a score between 0 (least developed) and 1 (most developed).
Identify the measurement of development that measures the level of corruption that is believed to exist in the public sector on a scale of 1 - 100. The lower the score the more corruption.
What is an advantage of using a composite indicator of development ( where more than one measure is used)?
Measuring Development - Edexcel A
Well done! You have a great understanding of this area of geography!
Not a bad effort at all, but you should consider revising this area a bit more.
Hmmmmmm, you might want to spend some time revising this area of geography.