What is the name of an arm-chair shaped glacial landform found on mountainsides?
Identify the erosional process that is responsible for the steep back walls typically found in corries.
What is the name of a lake trapped within the bowl of a corrie?
Which of the following are processes of erosion and weathering involved in the formation of a corrie?
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Identify the narrow, steep-sided ridge formed when two or more carries erode back to back.
Identify the pronounced peak formed when several carries erode back to back into a mountain.
Which of the following is an example of a pyramidal peak?
What are u-shaped valleys also known as?
Identify the landform created when interlocking spurs are removed by glacial erosion.
Identify the landform created when smaller glaciers in tributary river valleys melt.
Identify the deep freshwater lakes found in glacial troughs.
Which of the following explain the reasons for increased erosion in glacial troughs resulting in the formation of ribbon lakes?
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Identify the glacial landform in the image below.
Internet Geography
Identify the glacial landform in the image below.
Internet Geography
Identify the glacial landform in the image below.
Internet Geography
Glacial Landforms of Erosion
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