Coastal Transportation and Deposition Flashcards

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Describe how longshore drift transports material.
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Longshore drift happens when waves approach the beach at an angle. The swash (waves moving up the beach) carries material up and along the beach. The backwash (waves moving back down the beach) carries material back down the beach at right angles. This is the result of gravity. This process slowly moves material along the beach and provides a link between erosion and deposition. The material is transported through suspension, traction, solution and saltation. Longshore drift provides a link between erosion, transportation and deposition.

Find out more about longshore drift.

Describe how longshore drift transports material.
What is the zig-zag movement of material along the shore by wave action called?
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Longshore drift

Find out more about longshore drift.

What is the zig-zag movement of material along the shore by wave action called?
What is suspension?
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Beach material is suspended and carried by the waves.

Find out more about coastal tansportation.

What is suspension?
What is saltation?
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Beach material is bounced along the seafloor.

Find out more about coastal transportation.

What is saltation?
What is coastal transportation?
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The movement of sediment and beach material through wave action.

Find out more about coastal transportation.

What is coastal transportation?

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