Rivers Flashcards

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Identify one economic benefit of dams and reservoirs
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Economic benefits of constructing dams and reservoirs include:

  • boosting tourism e.g. the local economy of Kielder has been boosted by £6 million thanks to the construction of Kielder Dam
  • they can be used to produce electricity by passing the water through a turbine within the dam

Find out more about hard engineering.

Identify one economic benefit of dams and reservoirs
How are levees formed?
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When a river floods friction with the floodplain leads to a rapid decrease in the velocity of the river and therefore its capacity to transport material.  Larger material is deposited closest to the river bank. This often leads to large, raised mounds being formed. Smaller material is deposited further away and leads to the formation of gently sloping sides of the levees.

Find out more about landforms in the lower course of the river.

How are levees formed?
Why is the cross profile of a river valley narrow and steep sided in the upper course?
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It becomes narrow and steep-sided in the upper course due to vertical erosion.

Find out more about the long profile of a river.

Why is the cross profile of a river valley narrow and steep sided in the upper course?
Give three characteristics of rapids.
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The characteristics of rapids include:

  • the turbulent flow of water
  • white water
  • uneven river bed
  • steep gradients.

Find out more about the landforms of erosion in the upper course of a river.

Give three characteristics of rapids.
Draw a simple diagram to show the formation of an oxbow lake.
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Formation of an oxbow lake

Find out more about meanders and oxbow lakes.

Draw a simple diagram to show the formation of an oxbow lake.

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