Rivers – Soft Engineering Flashcards

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Give two benefits of planting trees as a flood management strategy.
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Examples include:

  • benefits wildlife by creating habitats
  • it’s a natural method of intercepting precipitation and slowing water transfer in a river basin
  • absorbs and stores carbon reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
  • relatively inexpensive.

Find out more about soft engineering.

Give two benefits of planting trees as a flood management strategy.
What is soft engineering?
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Soft engineering involves working with nature and adapting to a river and learning to live with it.

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What is soft engineering?
Identify two benefits of floodplain zoning.
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Examples include:

  • low-cost solution
  • reduces additional impermeable surface coverage of the floodplain
  • protects and conserves water meadows for wildlife and recreation
  • reduces insurance costs when property is flooded

Find out more about soft engineering.

Identify two benefits of floodplain zoning.
Identify two disadvantages of floodplain zoning
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Examples include:

  • restricts economic development as certain land uses are prohibited
  • if land cannot be used for building the current housing shortage will continue
  • through building elsewhere habitats may be lost
  • it is very difficult to implement retrospectively where urban development has already taken place on the floodplain.

Find out more about soft engineering.

Identify two disadvantages of floodplain zoning
Give three examples of soft engineering.
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Examples include:

  • flood warnings
  • flood plain zoning
  • planting trees
  • river restoration

Find out more about soft engineering.

Give three examples of soft engineering.

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