Hornsea Case Study


Identify the coastline where Hornsea is located.

Correct! Wrong!

What is the population of Hornsea?

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the main industries in Hornsea.

Please select 3 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

What is the geology of Hornsea?

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the reason why coastal defences were needed at Hornsea.

Please select 3 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the hard engineering coastal management solutions used at Hornsea.

Please select 4 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

What has formed between the wooden groynes, providing protection from erosion?

Correct! Wrong!

The wide, sandy beach created by the groynes supports tourism, recreation and which other small industry in Hornsea?

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the holiday park south of Hornsea that has experienced increased erosion rates.

Correct! Wrong!

Identify the conflict resulting from the coastal management scheme at Hornsea.

Correct! Wrong!

Hornsea Case Study
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